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Coffee Talk - “Grassroots Democracy: Illinois Labor Journeys”

  • Des Plaines History Center 781 Pearson Street Des Plaines, IL 60016 United States (map)

Due to record-breaking attendance at all of our Coffee Talks throughout 2023, we have decided to make some much needed changes. Beginning in July, registration will be required for all Coffee Talks moving forward. To register, call 847-391-5399 or email contact@desplaineshistory.org. Any day-of availability will be on a first-come, first-served basis.

Democracy is not just elections; it is “small d” democracy, too—workers finding their voice through organization and becoming critical community participants and workplace advocates. From Chicago’s Haymarket Square to southern Illinois coal mines, workers have always struggled to build unions, create safe work environments, and find a community voice through their united efforts. In this presentation, Illinois Road Scholar Mike Matejka explores the history of Illinois workers finding their democratic voice through labor organizations.

"American democracy is not just voting, but also finding a voice at work. This program examines the multiple, historic Illinois struggles and efforts by Illinois workers to bring democracy to their jobs," says Mike Matejka, Illinois Humanities Road Scholar.

All members of the public are welcome to attend “Grassroots Democracy: Illinois Labor Journeys.” This program is presented as part of the Illinois Humanities Road Scholars Bureau and is free thanks to our generous sponsors: Village Bank & Trust and Kiwanis Club of Des Plaines. The History Center’s Coffee Talks are a series of adult programs meant to invite public participation and discussion on a broad range of historical topics per the History Center’s mission. Donations are appreciated. The next Coffee Talk will be “Three Frenchmen & A Goat: The DeMoulin Bros. Story” on Thursday, August 10th at 1:30pm.