Victorian Parlor Games

Victorian Parlor Games

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Victorians were good at providing their own entertainment. They would sing, play musical instruments, act out short plays or read - often out loud for all to hear. During the holidays, many Victorians spent time together playing parlor games, or simple word games/play acting games. Some of these games could get a little dangerous: one game, Snapdragons, involved trying to snatch raisins out of a shallow bowl of burning brandy without getting burnt! Here are some classic Victorian parlor games you can try out with your family at home this year!

The Laughing Game

Everyone sits in a circle, and each person take turns saying “ha”, “ho”, “hee” – the first person to start laughing is out of the game!

The Sculptor

All other players stand in a still position. The Sculptor must then move the other players into strange poses that are difficult to hold. The other players must not laugh, break pose or move. The Sculptor can distract the other players and encourage them to laugh, but they must not touch them. The first player to move or laugh, loses and becomes The Sculptor.

Pass the Slipper

You take an object, the “slipper.” Pick a person and put them in the center of the circle. They must close their eyes while the “slipper” is passed from person to person behind their backs. When the center person opens their eyes, the passing immediately stops and they must hazard a guess as to who holds the “slipper.” If they are correct, they trade places. If wrong, the eyes are closed and the passing begins again.